Whimple News Online
Whimple Village Bi-monthly Magazine
Coleridge Medical Centre
Surgery 814447
NHS 111 - 111
Out of Hours - 111
In an emergency - 999
Whimple Volunteers
Katie Williams 07967 374760, 832810
Devon County Councillor (iain.chubb@devon.gov.uk)
Iain Chubb 07932 459595, 01297 35468
East Devon Councillor
Richard Lawrence 07703 350285
Parish Council (whimpleparishcouncil@gmail.com)
Chairman: John Griffiths 823480
Clerk: Claire Rayner 812570
Primary School (admin@-primary.devon.sch.uk)
Headteacher: Carole Shilston 822584
Chair of Governors: Linden Best 822595
Friends of Whimple School (FOWS) whimplefows@gmail.com
Chairperson: Carla Whitaker 07976 062725
St. Mary’s Church
Parish Priest: Rev. Marc Kerslake 822525
Impact Cell: Helen Bowker 823193
Book Group
Tanya Mooney 823326
Cricket Club (jameswoollam@gmail.com)
Booking Secretary: James Woollam 07989 234372
Football Club
Chairman: Victoria Kendrew 07966 550260
Secretary: Lee Wheaton 07734 152120
Front Row Club
email: frontrowclub@gmail.com
History Society
Chairman: David Rastall 822486
Secretary: Roger Smith 822244
Mothers Union
Margaret Burrough 822257
Over Sixties Club
Chairman: Arthur Iball 822905
Secretary: Beryl Iball 822905
Pre-School & Toddler Group (www.whimplepreschool.com)
Chair: Joe Pearce 823512
Information: Jo Sibley 07794 652549
Recreation Trust
Knowle Cross Sports Ground: Roger Smith 822244
Scout Group
Group Scout Leader (and Marquee Booking): Alex Spry 822844
St. Mary's Bellringers
Roger Algate 822480
Table Tennis Club
Chris Beer 07787 544192
Tennis Club
Secretary: Viv Brown 07876 653264
Treasurer: Glenn Starkey 07967 698600
Victory Hall
Chair: Maria Wallis 823992
Secretary: Di Wilkins 758459
Booking Sec: Ali Tierney 822724
Village Produce Association.
Chairman: Paul Wilson 822744
Village Week
Louise Wallmsley 371433
Whimple News
Advertising: Ed Hitchcock 823194
Production: Bob Scanlan 822262
Cathy Bartlett-Horwood 823944
Womens Institute
President: Di Eden 821992
Whimple and Broadclyst Young Farmers:
Vice Chair: John Down 07580 938109